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2012 ATPS Annual Conference: Participant Information Note and Conference Registration
2012 ATPS Annual Conference: Participant Information Note and Conference Registration
ATPS is pleased to announce the dates for the 2012 Annual Conference and Workshops. The Conference, whose theme is “Emerging Paradigms, Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development: Global Imperatives and African Realities” will be held between 18th and 24th November, 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Papers are therefore invited from prospective presenters under the following sub themes:
- Transitions to Low Carbon Development Pathways: Implications for Sustainable Development in Africa
- Governance of Science, Technologies and Innovation including Genetics for Farming, Biotechnologies, Nanotechnologies and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Institutional Structures and Social Innovations for Sustainable Development in Africa
- Youth and Gender Empowerment for Sustainable Development in Africa
- Mainstreaming Transdisciplinarity in STI in Higher Education
For Details on registration and paper submission click here