ATPS Nigeria Chapter to commemorate the Scientific Revival Day of Africa, 2011
ATPS Nigeria is set to mark this year’s Scientific Revival Day of Africa. The major activity for the celebration will be symposium on “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Policies”
The celebrations will take place on the 6th of July at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria, starting at 10am. The event has bocoran slot gacor been organised in partnership with the University of Nigeria (UNN), the African Technology Policies Studies Network (ATPS), Kenya, and the Open Society Foundation (OSF) of the United States of America, the Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE) of UK and the Faculty of Agriculture, UNN, under slot online the UNN-ATPS-OSF project on building trans-disciplinary climate change adaption capacity at the University of Nigeria whose major objective is to develop capabilities and curriculum for new programmes on climate change slot bonus 100 to 3x adaptation.