African Technology Policy Studies Network

International Conference for Youth in Africa 2012: Call for Papers

The ATPS  collaboration with the University of Nairobi, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS) and the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST), Kenya have organized a conference for the African youth aimed at establishing a platform for Youth in Kenya and beyond to interact, build capacity, explore economic, social and technical complexities through science, technology and innovations in tackling the challenges, and to gain better understanding of the need for multi-disciplinary perspectives for solving developmental problems in Africa through innovative research. The proposed conference, tagged “Factoring Youth Voices into Critical Issues: Agenda on Environmental Sustainability, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Food Security and Nutrition in Africa” will be beld between 9th and 10th March 2012 and aims to strengthen the gains from an initial consultative meeting on sensitizing the youths on their role in providing solutions to critical issues facing Africa held in the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS), University of Nairobi, Kenya on 7th December, 2011 which was organized by Kabete Campus University Student Organization (KCUSO) in partnership with African Youth Forum in Science and Technology (AYFST) and College Administration. Papers (extended abstracts not more than 1000 words in English, typed in font size 12) are invited from young researchers at undergraduate and postgraduate levels from perse disciplines in agricultural, veterinary and biomedical sciences that will address the above sub-themes with interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary approach. The abstracts should outline aims, content and conclusions. It should include the title, author’s name, affiliation, mailing address and telephone number. The appropriate sub-theme must also be indicated. A soft copy in Ms-word should be received by 24th February 2012 via email: The Conference Sub-Themes include: Food and Nutritional Security Environmental sustainability Agribusiness and Value addition Policy, Gender, Education and Technology Transfer in Agriculture Download full concept note Download Conference Poster