African Technology Policy Studies Network

Intra-Africa and Global Collaboration and Partnership (IGCP)


Our second focus that is designed to develop new forms of intra-Africa and global partnerships within and amongst stakeholders for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa. Implementation activities will include;

  1. proactive ssupport to the African Union Commission (AUC), the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), and their member states in identifying and fostering intra- Africa and global partnerships in selected STI policy sectors;
  2. Facilitated collaborative STI policy research partnerships and skills mobility programs;
  3. Regional collaboration in STI policy development within the RECs in priority sectors including energy, water, climate change, green growth, and environmental governance;
  4. support to the African Union Commission’s work on Minimum Integration Program (MIP) in selected priority sectors including infrastructure and energy, agriculture, industry, and science and technology.

Strategic Priorities of the IGCP Program

  1. Support the AUC, NEPAD, the RECs, and their member states in identifying and fostering intra-Africa and global partnerships in selected STI policy sectors;
  2. Facilitate collaborative STI policy research partnerships and skills mobility programs amongst the stakeholders in the design and implementation of home-grown, endogenous STI policy research addressing Africa’s development needs based on priorities set by national governments and the AUC, etc.;
  3. Facilitate regional collaboration in STI policy development within the RECs in priority sectors including energy, water, climate change, green growth, and environmental governance in liaison with the AUC, AfDB, NEPAD, the RECs, UNECA, UNESCO, UNEP, and other partners;
  4. Support the African Union Commission’s work on Minimum Integration Program (MIP) in selected priority sectors including

Recent MoU’s between ATPS ans its partners

ATPS signs a memorandum of understanding with AFAAS

The African Technology Policy Studies (ATPS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) on 26th July 2016. The memorandum was  signed  by ATPS  Executive  Director  Dr. Nicholas  Ozor  and the AFAAS  Executive Director  Dr. Salim  Mohammed  Nahdy.

The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a continental organization for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) in Africa. Its objective is to create efficient, effective and synergistic linkages and partnerships between AEAS of member countries to improve the delivery of AEAS to farmers and other value chain actors. Its specific focus is on  knowledge  and  innovations  support for enhancing the utilization and  adoption of  productivity-enhancing   technologies, value-adding  processes and loss-reducing  practices in the value  chains  within which small  holder  producers  are  embedded. 

The African  Technology  Policy  Studies  Network  (ATPS)  is  a trans-disciplinary  network  of  researchers, policymakers, private  sector actors  and the  civil  society   that  promotes  the  generation,  dissemination  ,use  and  mastery  of  science, technology  and  innovations (STI) for  African  development, environmental  sustainability and  global  inclusion. It implements it’s its programs through members and partners in National Chapter established in 30 countries (27 in Africa and 3 in Diaspora).

The MoU aims to consolidate, develop and intensify the two parties’ cooperation and effectiveness to achieve the common objectives in the field of agriculture, innovation and advisory services for sustainable development in Africa. 

The MoU will facilitate collaboration between   the two organizations to further their shared goals and objectives with regard to fostering collaboration and strengthening working relationships between AFAAS and ATPS. This is aimed at accelerating Africa’s quest to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition and improving the general well-being of its people through technology transfers and advisory services. Other objectives of the MoU include to: 

  • broker knowledge and dialogue on regional agricultural policies, advisory services and market development in Africa;
  • enhance cooperation between both institutes on key thematic areas of common concern and interest;
  • support scaling up and out   of innovations in Africa;
  • contribute to inpidual and institutional strengthening of advisory services in Africa agriculture; and 
  • promote capacity  building  and institutional  development  of both organizations  through partnership ,cooperation and exchange.    

ATPS signs a Memorandum of Understanding with AERC

The African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) on 26th February 2016. The MoU was signed by the ATPS Executive Director, Dr. Nicholas Ozor and the Executive Director of AERC, Prof. Lemma W. Senbet.

The MOU provides a framework of cooperation and understanding between the two organizations to further their shared goals and objectives including to:

  • enhance cooperation between both institutions on key thematic areas of common concern and interest;
  •  promote capacity building and institutional development of both organization s through partnership, cooperation and exchange;
  • collaborate in joint preparation and implementation of research programs of mutual interest  for the overall development  of Africa;
  • broker knowledge and dialogue on regional science ,technology and innovation (STI)and economic policy as well as market development in Africa; and
  • contribute to institutional strengthening of African regional organizations, in the context of regional integration, trade and policy framework and processes.

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) is devoted to the advancement of economic policy research and training. It is also mandated to strengthen local capacity for conducting independent, vigorous inquiry into the problems facing the management of economics in sub-Saharan Africa. The  African Technology  Policy Studies Network (ATPS) is an trans-disciplinary network  of researchers, policymakers,  private sector actors and the civil society that promotes  the generation ,dissemination, use and mastery of science ,technology and innovations(STI) for African development , environmental sustainability and global inclusion.

ATPS signs a Memorandum of Understanding with AAIN  

The African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the African Agribusiness Incubators Network (AAIN) on 6th June 2016. The MOU was signed by ATPS Executive Director Dr. Nicholas Ozor and the Chief Executive Officer   Dr. Alex Ariho.

The African Agribusiness Incubators Network (AAIN) seeks to facilitate the establishment and growth of sustainable agribusinesses incubators, coordinate innovative business models for agribusiness financing and investment, to enhance access to market for the network’s agribusinesses incubators. AAIN has the vision to be the hub for innovation for African agri-business incubation and has the mission to incubating agri-business through advancing entrepreneurial talent, networking, integrating science and technology for job and wealth creation in Africa. On the other hand, the  African Technology  Policy Studies Network (ATPS) is an trans-disciplinary network  of researchers, policymakers,  private sector actors and the civil society that promotes  the generation ,dissemination, use and mastery of science ,technology and innovations(STI) for African development , environmental sustainability and global inclusion.

The purpose of MOU is to accelerate Africa’s quest to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition and improve the general well-being of its people. Other objectives of the MoU include to:

  • collaborate in joint preparation and implementation of research programs of mutual interests for the overall development of Africa focused technology incubation, testing and commercialization; 
  • contribute to the institutional strengthening of African regional organizations on incubation, in the context of regional integration, trade and policy frameworks and processes;
  • provide knowledge and information management on a range of activities and especially agribusiness and agribusiness incubation; 
  • provide policy backstopping, insights, analysis and implementation frameworks on technology and commercialization of research results . This will entail but not limited to providing policy analysis and implementation frameworks with regards to the value chain of crops and livestock; 
  • train and build capacity on policy issues, entrepreneurship training, intellectual property rights, policy brief training, foresight studies, etc.; and 
  • to develop joint research proposals on areas of common interest and seek for funding on transforming agriculture from public and private sources.  

Both organizations commit to the effective execution through enhanced collaboration around the following strategic areas:

  • Agribusiness innovation incubation, start-up and commercialization of innovations.
  • Programme/project development and implementation to enhance knowledge, information, and best practice in Africa.
  • Partnerships, international cooperation and resource mobilization.
  • Research and knowledge management.
  • Policy advocacy and communication.
  • Capacity development, graduate training, gender mainstreaming.
  • Emerging developments, food and nutrition security, and environmental issues facing Africa.