African Technology Policy Studies Network


ATPS Signs a MoU with the Economic Commission for Africa on collaboration in the development and implementation of Africa Climate Policy Centre’s.

ATPS has signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) that will see the two organizations collaborate in the development and implementation of ECA-based Africa Climate Policy Centre’s (ACPC) work program. The program focuses on Technology Transfer, Knowledge sharing and networking and Climate policy analyses and support to African governments. This will also enable the two institutions partner in other activities of mutual interest to both organizations that may be determined there-on.

The MoU provides great opportunities for ATPS’ Climate Sense Program (CSP) program activities to feed into the African Union Commission’s policy priorities and more directly to the African countries climate policies and strategies. The CSP programme has been designed to create a common platform for Africa to translate complex climate change issues in ways that promote dialogue at all levels of African society and globally.

The ECA is the regional arm of the United Nations (UN) in Africa mandated to support economic development of its Member States, and promote international cooperation for Africa’s development and is also responsible for promoting social development, gender equality and the advancement of women. The ECA-based ACPC is and was established in 2010 to serve as the knowledge-management and policy-facilitation arm of the Climate for Development (ClimDev) Africa Program.

As part of this partnership, the ATPS has been invited to participate in the first climate for development conference being organized by the ACPC in October 2011 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, as well as the 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Durban, South Africa, between 28 November and 09 December 2011.