The Final Newsletter under the SETDEV process is published.

The last SET-DEV (Science, Ethics and Technological responsibility in Developing and Emerging countries) newsletter covering the final phase of the SET-DEV project launched in 2008 to support the Indian and African research systems in developing their own ethical perspectives in the context of Scientific and Technological Research (STR) Was published in May 2011.
The final phase of SET-DEV process envisaged the presentation of the main outputs of the project: the Indian and African Manifestos, the Guidelines for Socialisation of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Pilot Programme carried out in India and Kenya during the implementation of the project. The African Manifesto was Officially launched during the annual African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) conference in Cairo, Egypt, last November 2010, the African Manifesto for Science and Technology was led by ATPS in collaboration with African, Indian and European partners and stakeholders under the framework of SET-DEV. The project outputs were presented in the occasion of 3 dedicated seminars, with the outputs from the African Manifesto being presented in the second seminar held in Nairobi, Kenya, on the 29th of April 2011 under the title “Sciences, Ethics and Technological Responsibilities in Developing and Emerging Countries”, and saw the participation of high level representatives from 27 different African countries. Download full newsletter