African Technology Policy Studies Network

Youth Innovation Challenge (Y I CAN) program

Program Duration: 2009 – 2012 Program Director: Dr. Kevin Urama, Executive Director, ATPS Program Coordinator: Mr. Marsden Momanyi, Communications Officer, ATPS Email contacts:

Program Overview

“The Youth Innovation Challenge” (Y I CAN) program, read as “Why I Can” program is designed to build a culture of innovation amongst young people in Africa by promoting innovation through targeted collaboration/partnerships with the quadruple helix: (Researchers, Private Sector Actors, Civil Society actors and Policy Makers). The Strategic Goal of the Youth Innovation Challenge Program (Y I CAN) is to stimulate the culture of innovation amongst African Youths through entrepreneurship incubation programs. The program is being implemented through the ATPS Phase VI program “African Youth Forum for Science and Technology” (AYFST). Y I CAN is being implemented in five modules designed to fit targeted young people categories:
  1. Innovation Incubator Initiatives (3-Is): This is a strategic mentorship initiative where competition winners are given a chance to translate their ideas (tacit or codified) into actual technologies or innovations for addressing specific challenges in a production or service chain in specified sectors or stakeholder communities.
  2. Innovation Challenge Awards: A competitive award of annual prizes for outstanding achievements by African Youths in addressing development challenges in specific sectors, including climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa; agricultural innovation systems; public health and disease prevention; water and sanitation, and sustainable management of ecosystem services
  3. Youth Internship and Post Doctoral Fellowship program: opportunities for short-term mentoring of students at college, undergraduate and postgraduate levels in STI policy related subjects. The 3-6 month Placements and staff exchange programs.
  4. Integrated leadership & Entrepreneurship Training: Training aimed at molding innovative youth leaders with courses which place an emphasis on self- discipline and self-mastery to guide principled actions. This also includes training and mentorship for scientific writing; science publications, and science journalism.
  5. Integrated Peer-to-Peer Collaboration: Organizing an annual African Youth congress/ST&I career development program, formation and lending support to Youth in science clubs. Facilitating an online network to increase membership in AYFST, strengthen communication, sharing of experiences and learning.
Program Details:YICAN concept note To apply for participation,  click here to download form

Programme Activities

Y I CAN Program launch, 15 – 16 July, 2009, Mombasa, Kenya

Programme Outputs

Draft Consolidated Report: 4th AYFST Steering Committee Meeting & Launch of the Youth Innovation Challenge Programme (Y I CAN), July 13 – 16, 2009, Mombasa, Kenya