African Technology Policy Studies Network

Strengthening the Capacity of the Extension System to use Proven Knowledge and Technologies to Sustain Equitable Locally Led Adaptation Among Smallholder Farmers (SCALE)

Project Duration: 2023-2027 

Grantor: International Development Research Center (IDRC)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor; Executive Director, African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS);


1. Dr. Laure Tall; Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), Senegal and
2. Prof. Magnus Onuoha; West African Green Economic Development Institute (WAGEDI), Nigeria.

Grant Amount: US$ 436,244

Project Description 

If the smallholder farming communities in Africa are to continually adapt to the impacts of climate change as well as sustain their lives and livelihoods, more systematic and easily accessible knowledge and information sharing from credible sources are required. This proposed project, therefore, seeks to strengthen the capacity of the extension system, as a knowledge broker, to transfer proven knowledge, information, and technology to farmers to boost their productivity and resilience, especially in the face of climate change challenges. Most importantly, the project seeks to integrate equitable and inclusive locally led adaptation strategies into the extension system to ensure that the knowledge, information, and technology generated are demand-driven, co-designed, and sustained by the local people. Activities to be undertaken under the project are divided into three work packages namely to: conduct situational analyses and needs assessment of the key actors, their roles, and linkages in the extension systems; co-design and implement targeted capacity strengthening and technical support interventions based on the identified needs of the actors; and create platforms for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration between and amongst key actors in the extension system. It is expected that through the series of interventions that will be undertaken under this project, the capacity, and linkages of the key actors within the extension system, particularly the extension agents and contact farmers will be strengthened to ensure sustained transfer of proven knowledge, information, and technology to smallholder farming communities, thereby increasing their productivity and resilience. All interventions will be designed to be gender-responsive, equitable and inclusive.

Goal and Specific Objectives 

The overall goal of the proposed SCALE project is to strengthen the capacity of the extension system to use proven knowledge and technology to sustain equitable and locally led adaptation among smallholder farmers and farming communities in Nigeria and Senegal.

Specifically, the proposed SCALE project aims to:

  1. Enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the extension system in major agroecological zones of the focus countries by mapping and analysing the key actors, their roles, and linkages to identify opportunities for improving efficiency, collaboration, and coordination in the extension system;
  2. Strengthen the extension system by understanding the needs of the key actors in the extension system and identifying areas of intervention prior to providing targeted capacity strengthening and technical support interventions to enhance their agricultural productivity and climate change resilience;
  3. Strengthen the extension system by reviewing and documenting proven LLA knowledge and technologies that support gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) for eventual deployment to the smallholder farming communities;
  4. Contribute to sustainable, equitable, and inclusive LLA among smallholder farming communities in the focus countries by strengthening the capacity of the extension system actors to co-generate, co-transfer, and utilize (research, extension, farmers) proven knowledge and technology effectively; and

Contribute to increased agricultural productivity and climate-resilient development by enabling inclusive policies and practices, knowledge sharing, exchange, and collaborations on equitable LLA through a digital platform.

Key Activities 

  • Identify and map the key actors, their roles, and linkages in the extension system in the focus countries.
  • Conduct detailed needs assessment of the key actors.
  • Audit and document proven knowledge and LLA initiatives that support GESI in smallholder farming communities.
  • Co-development, co-design, and co-delivery of training programmes.
  • Customized technical support.
  • Co-Development of an Interactive Collaborative Environment (ICE)
  • International collaboration and learning visits.
  • Conduct 2 Policy dialogue workshops in Nigeria and Senegal

Expected Outputs and Outcomes

  1. An understanding of the key actors within the extension system that can promote equitable and inclusive LLA for better targeting of project interventions, collaborations, and co-production.
  2. Greater opportunities for designing training and technical support interventions that meet the needs of the extension workers and other knowledge brokers within the extension system.
  3. Improved alignment of extension activities with the needs and priorities of farmers, resulting in improved agricultural productivity and sustainability in the face of climate change
  4. Increased opportunities for accelerating proven LLA among smallholder farmers based on new knowledge and technology on LLA best practices. Increased ownership and knowledge among extension workers and small holder farmers to use proven knowledge and technologies in LLA that are equitable and inclusive to accelerate adaptation and boost agricultural productivity.
  5. Accelerated LLA development and implementation among smallholder farmers based on new knowledge received from extension workers.
  6. Increased opportunities for reviewing and revising training and technical support approaches and addition to the knowledge economy for improved delivery and impact Effective and continuous knowledge exchange and sharing on equitable and inclusive LLA among smallholder farmers, extension workers and researchers during and beyond the project’s lifetime.
  7. A one-stop-shop for knowledge exchange that is non-discriminatory and recognizes the principles of GESI being implemented.
  8. Strengthened relationships, improved policy & practice, and increased collaborations & networks leading to more effective implementation of GESI-LLA initiatives.
  9. Efficient and effective project implementation and management to achieve desired objectives and goals.

(To be updated)