African Technology Policy Studies Network

A Market Scoping Study of Newcastle Disease in Village Poultry in Nigeria and Ghana

Project Duration: 2015
Donor: Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed)
Contacts for ATPS: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS 
Program Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor
Project Value: US$ 38,610


Village poultry production has been known to be a familiar and successful income-generating activity for poor rural women in Ghana and Nigeria. However, it is unfortunate to note that the free-range scavenging village poultry is not rated highly in the mainstream of national economies because of the lack of measurable indicators. Outputs in terms of weight gain and the number of eggs per hen per year are very low with relatively high mortality rates (especially in young chicks). Several reasons for this high mortality and low productivity have been suggested, including suboptimal management, malnutrition, predation, and most importantly the myriads of diseases to which the village poultry is susceptible to. Among the diseases constraining both commercial and village/poultry production and one that is endemic in most part of the tropical region is Newcastle disease. The project seeks to conduct a market scoping study in order to gain clear understanding of the vaccine production and marketing landscape specifically in Nigeria and Ghana, the registration status of available ND vaccines and to determine the potential socio-economic impact of ND vaccination on the livelihood of village poultry producers especially women.

Project Purpose and Objectives

The overall purpose of the study is to understand the Newcastle disease epidemiology, socio-economic impact on the livelihood of small scale village poultry producers, especially women and to determine availability, registration status and large scale sustainable distribution mechanisms of ND vaccines including, thermostable I2, Itanew etc., in Nigeria and Ghana. 

Specifically, the study is meant to:

  • gain a clear understanding of the impact of ND on the VP sector in Nigeria and Ghana in terms of disease epidemiology including prevalence, morbidity, mortality and economic impact of ND;
  • characterize available registered ND vaccines including Thermo-stable I2, Itanew etc.;
  • identify the manufacturer(s), principal distributor(s)/marketers(s), and the distribution channels including Agro-vet shops, vaccinators, NGO’s, state agriculture/livestock department etc. engaged in Newcastle disease vaccine production, distribution and use;
  • determine existing public or private funded projects including NGO’s involved in poultry ND vaccination programs, areas of coverage, the regularity of campaigns, successes and challenges of these;
  • identify policy issues affecting product registration, administration, regulation and practices enhancing or militating against the production/manufacture, importation, distribution/ marketing and uptake of vaccination in the village poultry; and;
  • proffer recommendations to effective deployment of ND vaccines for village poultry enterprises in the study areas.

Expected Outputs

The outputs expected from this market scoping study will include:

  • Sample data collection instruments (semi-structured interview schedule and questionnaire as the case may be, and FGD questions).
  • Plan of work detailing sites to be visited and when it will be carried out in specific locations.
  • Key informant lists drawn from across the relevant stakeholder categories including VPF, veterinary agents (public and private), government agents and policymakers, and NGOs.

Technical Report

Final Technical Report of the Market Scoping Study of Newcastle Disease in Village Poultry in Nigeria and Ghana.