African Technology Policy Studies Network

Alternative Development Strategy Needed in Africa

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Posted on 21st November, 2012by Prof. ATPS Admin

By George Achia

Africa needs an alternative development strategy that focuses on building developmental capabilities appropriate to the global imperatives of the 21st century, according to the keynote address by Dr. Eric Eboh, the President of Agricultural Policy Research Network.

While delivering a keynote paper rtp slot titled Institutional Structures, Policies & Macro Economic Environment in African Countries Implications for Social Innovations and Business Competitiveness during the African Technology Policy Studies Network that kicked off today in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Dr. Eboh noted that  an important opportunity will be development anchored through regional cooperation framework aimed at maximizing the benefits of regional ties for the purpose of achieving advantageous country-level integration into global markets.

“The appropriate African Developmental State should  not be  business as usual  but focuses on creating and promoting Progressive synergies between public action and private enterprise and  Market complementation, not obstructing, distorting or crowding out the private sector,” said Dr. Eboh.

He pointed out that while there are a number of economic and business performance scoreboards for Africa countries, there is yet no pan-African social innovations scoreboard.

ATPS 2012 annual conference is aztec gems pragmatic play being held under the theme emerging paradigms, technologies and innovations for sustainable development: global imperatives and African realities which brought together researchers, academia, policy makers and innovators.

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