Building Transdisciplinary Climate Change Adaptation capacity at the University Nigeria
Building Transdisciplinary Climate Change Adaptation capacity at the University Nigeria Project Duration: 2011 – 2013Funder: The Open Society Foundation (OSF) of the United States of AmericaContacts: Dr. Kevin Urama, Executive Director, ATPSContact Email: kurama@atpsnet.orgCoordinating Project Liaison Officer: Dr. Nicholas OzorContact Email: nozor@atpsnet.orgProject Value: USD 2.31 Million Project Description/BackgroundClimate Change is made up of discrepancies in the occurrence and magnitude of sporadic weather […]
Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Social sustainability and Tipping Points in African drylands
Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Social sustainability and Tipping Points in African drylands (BEST) African drylands are fast approaching a tipping point of range enclosure, with associated loss of wild and domestic grazer mobility, and attendant loss of ecosystem services and of poor people’s livelihoods. The shift to an enclosed (or conversely back to an open) state […]
Efforts to advance the understanding of social innovation among policymakers, science experts, the private sector and civil society in Africa
Efforts to advance the understanding of social innovation among policymakers, science experts, the private sector and civil society in Africa The program is intended to support the Rockefeller Foundation’s efforts to provide social sector leaders and decision-makers with knowledge about the conditions for creating a more effective social sector that fosters continuous social innovation. It […]
Climate Sense Program
Climate Sense Program,(CSP) 2009 Program Duration: 2009 to dateProgram Director: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPSProgram Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPSProgram Assistant: Mr. Ernest Acheampong, Research Officer, ATPSEmail Contact: The Climate Sense Program (CSP) has recently been designed for purposes of creating a common platform for Africa to be able to translate complex climate change issues […]
Training in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Formulation and Implementation for Sustainable Development in East Africa
Training in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Formulation and Implementation for Sustainable Development in East Africa ATPS collaborated with UNESCO to provide training in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Formulation and Implementation for Sustainable Development in East Africa. Delegates included selected University Deans, Institutions of Science, Technology and Innovation, the staff of the National Councils […]
Science Ethics and Technological Responsibility for Developing and Emerging Countries (SET-DEV)
Science Ethics and Technological Responsibility for Developing and Emerging Countries (SET-DEV), EC Framework 7 Grant Agreement Number 217811, ( 2008 – 2011) SETDEV Program Summary Program Duration: 2008 – 2011Program Contacts: Dr. Kevin Urama, Executive Director, ATPSEmail Contacts: & Project Coordinator: Dr. Alfonso Alfonsi, LSCEmail Contact: ATPS is the leading African partner in the collaborative […]
Universities, Business and Research in Agricultural Innovation – UniBRAIN
Universities, Business and Research in Agricultural Innovation – UniBRAIN Project Duration: 2010 – 2015 Grantor: Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs(DANIDA) Amount: USD 20Million Co-PI: Dr. Kevin Urama, Executive Director, ATPS Project Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Senior Research Officer, ATPS Contact Email: Realising the Potential of Africa’s Youth: Linking university education, research and business in sustainable agriculture Program Background: […]
The Agricultural Innovations Program
The Agricultural Innovations Program Program Director (For ATPS): Dr. Kevin Urama, Executive Director, ATPSProgram Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Senior Research Officer, ATPSEmail Contact: or The ATPS Agricultural Innovations Program is aimed at contributing to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goal number One (MDG 1) which calls for the eradication of extreme […]
Strengthening National IP Policy and legal framework in Eastern and Southern Africa: Traditional Knowledge (TK) Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and Effective IP Systems
Strengthening National IP Policy and legal framework in Eastern and Southern Africa: Traditional Knowledge (TK) Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and Effective IP Systems Project Value: US$ 2.1M BACKGROUND A major persuasion against classical Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regimes is that they are based on Western paradigm of property ownership and are therefore alien and […]
Nanotechnologies for Development in India, Kenya and the Netherlands: Towards a Framework for Democratic Governance of Risks in Developing Countries, WOTRO
Nanotechnologies for Development in India, Kenya and the Netherlands: Towards a Framework for Democratic Governance of Risks in Developing Countries, WOTRO Program Duration: 2010 – 2014Program Contacts: Dr. Kevin Urama, Executive Director, ATPSEmail Contacts: executivedirector@atpsnet.orgProgram Coordinator: Prof. Wiebe Bijker, the University of Maastricht The ATPS has secured funding for a new Integrated Program (IP) on “Nanotechnologies for Development in […]