African Technology Policy Studies Network

Towards a model of “patient procurement”: Leveraging mining infrastructure and procurement needs in Mozambique and Liberia for robust and enduring agricultural supply chain productivity and development.

Program Duration: 2013-2015
Donor: Australian Aid (AUSAid)
Program Contacts for ATPS: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS. 
Program Coordinator: Prof John Howieson (Principal Investigator), Murdoch University

Project Value: AUS$ 76,000

The African Technology Policy Studies Network in collaboration with Murdoch University, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the Australia-Africa Mining Industry Group (AAMIG), the University of the Witwatersrand, the Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor in Mozambique (BAGC), Curtin University, James Cook University, the Crawford Fund, the International Mining for Development Centre (IM4DC), and Planet Minerals (a member of AAMIG)are engaged in a project to explore linkages between mining industry investments and agricultural sector in Mozambique and Liberia. 

This project was informed by more than 2 years of in-depth discussions, including three conferences hosted by Murdoch University in Australia in which ATPS actively participated. The discussions attracted numerous mining, government, university, agricultural industry, and NGO representatives from African nations and Australian participants with a strong interest in Africa, and discussed several aspects where mining interfaces with agriculture.

The project seeks to:

  1. Create new local markets in the form of a mine workforce coupled with a ‘patient procurement approach’.
  2. Deploy dual or multi-use infrastructure that creates new supply chain possibilities for agricultural inputs and other market (including export) development.

ATPS role

The role of ATPS relates to the support and implementation of the communication strategy that will be produced in the course of the project. The ATPS through its mentorship program will provide capacity building for women and youth during the implementation of the project. The ATPS will also prepare, publish and disseminate widely information, project results and assessment, tapping in ATPS wide network of policy makers, researchers, private sector and civil society.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Understanding of successful methods and modes of engagement for mine operations to empower local agricultural supply chains to leave a permanent legacy for agricultural systems.
  2. Strategies for mining companies to become long term partners to support independent and commercial agricultural that is both robust and enduring.
  3. Knowledge of how mining operations can procure appropriate qualities and quantities of agricultural produce to support the transition from subsistence to commercial agriculture.
  4. Policies to improve the enabling environment for such initiatives.