African Technology Policy Studies Network

Sustainable Development Planning Network (SDplanNet)

Sharing tools in planning for Sustainable Development
Program Duration: 2013-2014
Program Contacts for ATPS: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Ag. Executive Director, ATPS. 

SDplanNet is a sustainable development planning network created to help government professionals at the national and sub-national levels share best practices and build capacity in the preparation and implementation of strategies for sustainable development and inclusive and fair green economies. The network is fully functional in Asia & Pacific, Latin America & Caribbean and Africa, and administered by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), the Africa Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) respectively.

A major activity of this network was to organize a series of regional network in Asia, Caribbean to bring together key experts from government, regional and international organizations with mandates for sustainable development and planning to forge the way forward towards achieving transformative change through the post-2015 development agenda and sustainable development goals (SDGs). 

ATPS role

The ATPS organized the first ever Sustainable Development Transition Forum (SDTF) which convened approximately 55 experts within governments and international and regional organizations to advance the mainstreaming of SD principles and green economy approaches into national and sub-national development planning and scaling-up implementation. The SDTF achieved the following objectives:

  • Explored the future of innovative governance and practice for mainstreaming sustainable development into national and sub-national planning and scaling up of implementation. The four areas of focus included: (i) multi-stakeholder processes and institutions; (ii) integrated planning for vertical and horizontal collaboration; (iii) scaling up implementation using cross-cutting policies and programmes; and (iv) institutions and practices for monitoring, reporting and accountability
  • Examined current governance and practice for mainstreaming sustainable development into national  development planning and scaling up implementation, and  clarified key capacity building and knowledge sharing needs in each region of the world (with particular reference to Africa);
  • Explained the post-2015 development agenda process (with particular reference to Africa) that is currently underway as context for mainstreaming SD into development planning and prepared a capacity building and good practice sharing action plan in each region for 2014-2015 as a reference point for governments at national and sub-national levels toward improved governance and practice built for addressing 21st century issues; and 
  • Provided recommendations to community of practice networks around the world for strengthening and coordinating their efforts in creating and implementing capacity building programmes and knowledge sharing efforts aimed at assisting national and sub-national governments in mainstreaming sustainable development into planning and scaling up implementation.

Key Outputs

  • Regional Practice Paper 

  • Synthesis of Regional Perspectives from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin-America and the Caribbean