African Technology Policy Studies Network

STI Policy Research and Research Capacity Building (STI-RCB)


This focus is designed to build capabilities, structures, and conditions for the co-production of scientific knowledge, technologies, innovations, and policies for sustainable development in Africa. This will be achieved through; 

international, regional and national collaborative STI policy research programs, addressing specific policy priorities in theidentified research themes;

STI research methodology training and institutional support programs on emerging STI policy research subjects,

Strategic Research on National Innovation Systems, to enhance the framework conditions for inclusive innovations and entrepreneurship in the selected sectors, including energy systems, agricultural value chains, health systems, and the environment.

Research Priority Themes for the Phase VII period

    1. Agricultural innovations for food and biosecurity in Africa

Specific priority will be given to improving productivity and resilience, reducing waste and environmental pollution, and improving value addition along the agricultural value chain from farm to table through development and deployment of indigenous and modern technologies for farming (e.g., biotechnology, genetics, nanotechnology, and other biosciences innovations), social innovations for farming including the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), smart mobile telephones and satellite data, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), etc.; and institutional innovations, policies and incentives for realizing the potentials of African agriculture for enhanced food security globally;

    1. Democratic governance of STI policies, institutions and knowledge systems

This will involve provision of institutional support to governments and STI institutions to inform reforms in policies, institutional structures and knowledge conditions that shape the type of STI graduates produced in Africa. Emphasis will be paid to mainstreaming trans-disciplinary skills and methodologies, systems thinking approaches, entrepreneurship skills and innovation. The ATPS will support the activities of the Association of African Universities (AAU), the AUC facilitated Pan-African University (PAU), and the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) in the delivery of this objective, effectively fostering transitions to third general Universities in Africa.

    1. Integrated management of environmental infrastructure

This program will include STI policy research on integrated management of natural resources (land, water, biodiversity, minerals, and ecosystem services); revaluing ecosystems, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and fostering transitions to inclusive green growth in Africa;

    1. Health Innovation Systems Program

This will include integrated research programs on innovations and policies for sustainable health delivery and health risk prevention, including health technology policy studies, and social innovations for advancing health and wellbeing in communities. Specific attention will be paid to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and social innovations for health delivery, risk prevention and mitigation. Potential projects include: Telemedicine, e-medicine using mobile telephone platforms and social networking sites,indigenous approaches to nutrition for health and wellness; mobile health diagnostics systems, etc.