African Technology Policy Studies Network

Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS): Using natural resource wealth to improve access to water and sanitation in Mozambique

Program Duration: 2013-2015

Donor: Australian Aid (AUSAid)

Donation: AUS$ 89,000

Program Contacts for ATPS: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS. Email:

Program Coordinator: Dr. Ryan Admiraal (Principal Investigator) Murdoch University Email:

African Technology Policy Studies Network [ATPS] is partnering with Murdoch University, United Nations Children’s Fund [UNICEF] and University Eduardo Mondalane [UEM] to undertake research in Mozambique on how to improve access to water and sanitation using natural resources.

This project seeks to:

  1. Amplify evidence based advocacy at National and Provincial Levels by analysing current efforts to increase access to water and sanitation in Nampula province of Mozambique, including along the major Nampula-Nacala economic corridor.
  2. To build the business case for long term investment of mineral resource revenues into the water and sanitation sector.

 The ATPS will provide support to the program by:

  1. Leading the survey design and analysis of the mid-line survey including development of a robust household survey questionnaire and economic modelling exercises.
  2. Producing academic publications from the survey and contribute to the drafting of relevant reports for submission to AusAID.
  3. Undertaking a cost-benefit analysis of the current Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Nampula Province, Mozambique (NAMWASH) programme to determine the major returns on investment in the water and sanitation sector for wider welfare benefits of the target population including infrastructural, economic, environmental, health related and sociocultural indicators.
  4. Undertaking cost-analysis of an expansion of the NAMWASH programme that maintains its focus along the Nampula-Nacala corridor. This analysis will be based on existing and projected data for population shifts and emerging migratory patterns linked to the Nacala rail line and expansion of the Nacala port.
  5. Building capacity of young African researcher who speaks and understands Portuguese in the fieldwork research process.

Project Outcomes:

  1. Knowledge of implications for infrastructure requirements/pressures on small towns and growth centres with a focus on water and sanitation.
  2. A stronger evidence-based case for government and private sector expenditures in water and sanitation.
  3. A greater use of investments in water and sanitation as a vehicle to invest in building human capital.
  4. A detailed understanding of the type and characteristics of interventions which can extract maximum infrastructure, economic, environmental, health-related and socio-cultural benefits in the sector.
  5. A greater understanding opportunities for leveraging extractive and other industry sectors for improving livelihoods (particularly in water and sanitation), and the constraints that exist e.g. vocational skills development


Using Natural Resource Wealth to Improve Access to Water and Sanitation in Mozambique: A 2012 Australian Development Research Awards Scheme Project