African Technology Policy Studies Network

Review of Policies and Institutions for Biodiversity Information in Sub Saharan Africa.

Program Duration: 2014-2016

Program Contacts for ATPS: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS. Email: 

Program Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor

Project Value: US$ 50,050


Public policies influence the value and use of biodiversity data and knowledge. For example, policies can promote the use of biodiversity information for conservation decisions, create incentives for biodiversity data-sharing, and foster data generation that is responsive to decision-makers’ needs. However, little prior research has evaluated African public policy through the lens of access to and use of biodiversity data. This project seeks to analyze existing policies, legislation, and institutions in sub-Saharan Africa that influence the access to and value of biodiversity information.

Key Objectives and Activities

The project will begin with a literature review to identify what is known about biodiversity information policies in sub-Saharan Africa and how these policies influence nations’ achievement of stated conservation goals.  The literature review will inform the development of a framework to evaluate existing and future management policies and investments. The project will use focus groups, surveys, and workshops with experts and stakeholders to understand and assess the impacts of existing policies and systems on biodiversity informatics. This work will result in a summary of future prospects, best practices, and examples of successful policy approaches for fostering the generation, maintenance, and use of biodiversity information in sub-Saharan Africa.

Planned Outputs

  • Peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Policy briefs.
  • Live radio and television interviews.
  • Newspaper articles.

Planned Outcomes

This literature review and stakeholder engagement project will provide stakeholders valuable knowledge MAXBET about the policy and institutional landscape required for facilitating access to biodiversity information. Policy briefs, articles, a database on policies and institutions, and other products will be accessible to a wide audience of actors with a role in African conservation and decision-making. This knowledge sharing will help situs judi parlay develop capacity for effective application of biodiversity information for the purpose of achieving development and conservation goals in sub-Saharan Africa.

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