African Technology Policy Studies Network


Climate Sense Program,(CSP) 2009 to Date

Program Duration: 2009 to date
Program Director: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS
Program Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Ag. Executive Director, ATPS
Program Assistant: Mr. Ernest Acheampong, Research Officer, ATPS
Email Contact:   or

The Climate Sense Program (CSP) has recently been designed for purposes of creating a common platform for Africa to be able to translate complex climate change issues in ways that promote dialogue at all levels of African society and globally. This program is also geared towards providing coordinated evidence based advocacy strategy for climate proofing development policies in African countries, and improving Africa’s participation and negotiation skills at global conventions such as the CoP 15 and beyond.

ATPS seek to promote CSP through  targeted partnerships within the quadruple helix (Researchers, Private Sector Actors, Policy Makers and Civil Society) across the African countries and internationally. This will be focused on four integrated goals:

  1. Making Sense of Climate Science through science communication.
  2. Making Sense of Climate Economics through policy analysis.
  3. Making Sense of Climate Innovation through Investment Portfolio Analysis and Innovation Incubation Programs.
  4. Making Sense of Climate Change Policies through scenarios analysis and training programs.

Programme Activities:

Climate Sense Training programme for Journalists, Creative Artists and Policy-Makers 21 – 23 October 2009

ATPS will launch its Climate Sense programme at a training workshop that will be held on 21 – 23 October 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Training Workshop will bring together about 120 key Africa stakeholders from the Quadruple Helix (Policymakers, Science Experts, Private Sector Actors, and the Civil Society) in Africa and in the Diaspora, plus selected international experts and Resources Persons.  It intends to translate complex climate change issues, in ways that promote dialogue at all levels of African society. It will provide a coordinated, evidence-based advocacy strategy for African communities at the Climate Change negotiations in Copenhagen in December 2009, and beyond.

The key objective of this training workshop to “Make Sense of Climate Change” for the “Quadruple Helix:  Policy Makers, Civil Society Actors, Science Experts and Private Sector Actors. The ATPS believes that only through equal partnerships and cooperation amongst the key actors in the Quadruple Helix, can sustainable development be achieved.

Workshop Objectives

  • To train Science Journalists and other media professionals on making sense of climate science, economics, innovation and politics in reporting Climate Change issues for Africa,
  • To train Creative Artists on making sense of climate science, economics, innovation and politics in order to translate climate change issues into creative productions,
  • To train African Policymakers on climate science, economics, innovation and politics and prepare them for global negotiations and national policy making in response to the climate challenge,
  • To facilitate an evidence-based to respond to climate change by policy makers,
  • To promote inter-disciplinary approaches and systems thinking in Africa’s response to climate change,
  • To facilitate inter-Ministerial and inter-sectoral collaboration in climate change policymaking in Africa,
  • To launch the ATPS Climate Sense Program (CSP) and enhance Africans:  (Policymaker, Scientists, Private Sector Actors, and Civil Society) to take advantage of the strategic investment opportunities for green growth as they respond to climate change.
  • To launch a web-hosted interactive collaborative platform for climate change dialogue, policy formulation and knowledge sharing in Africa for the post Cop 15 compliance measures, indicator development, monitoring and evaluation.

Programme Outputs:

  Climate sense program -Concept Note (PDF)