African Technology Policy Studies Network

Learning Outcomes and Policy/Program Strategies for Enhancing Adoption and Diffusion of Climate Smart Clean Energy Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from the Lighting Africa, the Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions, and Pro-Poor LCD Projects

Program Duration: 2014
Program Contacts for ATPS: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor


The study aims to synthesize the research and policy needs of three projects in Africa based on emerging learning outcomes from the Lighting Africa project in Nigeria (LAN); the Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions (ACCES) project on the state of the clean cooking sector in sub-Saharan Africa, and the Pro-poor, low carbon development: improving low carbon energy access and development benefits in LDCs project in Kenya to inform further CDKN program/project development in the subject area

The specific objectives are to:

  1. Review the technical reports of the Lighting Africa Nigeria (LAN), the Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions (ACCES), and the Pro-poor, low carbon development: improving low carbon energy access and development benefits in LDCs, projects so far;
  2. Deduce from the emerging learning outcomes of the project reports and existing literature on the transfer of renewable energy technologies and innovation diffusion mechanisms in the continent, knowledge gaps and  potential policy issues for further research on the subject; and
  3. Make recommendations for further CDKN program/project development in the subject area to enhance effective embedding (socialisation) of programs/projects in local contexts for maximum adoption, up scaling, and sustainability potentials.

Methodology and Approach

The project relied on intensive desk research to review and synthesize the outcomes of the projects, identify further research and policy needs based on the emerging learning outcomes from the projects and review of associated literature on the subject. Limited stakeholder interviews and expert consultations were also conducted via e-mail.


A technical report on learning outcomes from the projects and policy strategies for increased adoption and diffusion of the climate smart energy technologies – solar home systems, solar lighting and clean cooking energy technologies in Africa, and better targeting of programs/ project interventions in the subject area, and a policy brief on strategies for enhancing solar home systems, solar lighting and clean cooking energy technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.


Improved understanding/learning outcomes for research program/project design for enhanced adoption and diffusion of climate smart energy technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.