African Technology Policy Studies Network

Technical Assistance for Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA) Programme AUC/DARBE/C/037

Project Duration: Aug 2023- Jan 2027

Grantor: African Union Commission (AUC)

Project Director: Dr. Ottavio Novelli, Head of Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Environment Department, Agriconsulting Europe S.A. (AESA);

Project Deputy Director: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS);

Grant Amount: USD 2,185,813

Project Description:

The Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA) programme is a global programme covering Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific countries. The AUC component of the ClimSA programme coordinates activities at the African level as well as those involving the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). In addition, the AUC has signed a grant agreement with the African Center of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD) for the technical component covering all of Africa.

The AUC grant for the ClimSA Programme is intended to contribute to existing efforts of regional economic communities and member countries to adapt to climate change and climate variability by integrating science-based climate prediction and information services into national and regional planning processes. This programme aims to promote sustainable development on the African continent by improving climate-related decision-making processes and practices through informed adaptation options to climate variability and change. Strengthening the entire climate services value chain by building the capacity of decision makers and all other users at the continental, regional, national, and local levels improve the efficiency of climate information and services.

The Technical Assistance (TA) for Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA) programme will support the AUC in delivering the five project deliverables of the AUC ClimSA grant, including the ECCAS component. This will be done in close coordination with other African ClimSA grant initiatives. The contract TA aims to support technical activities including providing expertise to RCCs and NMHSs leading to WMO certification of RCCs, capacity building/training, supporting communication and visibility, knowledge management, supporting the design and establishment of climate infrastructures, providing monitoring services, contributing to the preparation and management of continental technical events, and supporting the implementation of the project in 48 Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) ACP group countries.

Goals and Specific Objectives:

The goal of the ClimSA programme is to improve the production, availability, delivery, and application of science-based climate predictions and services so that climate information is incorporated into all relevant sectors and ultimately contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals. Improving the quantity and quality of climate services provided by Regional Climate Center (RCCs) and National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Africa and enhancing knowledge and information services will lead to their certification by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as an RCC. The action will help promote sustainable development by preventing desertification, conserving ecological biodiversity, and using water management in Africa in a sustainable manner by improving the decision-making process through informed adaptation options to climate variability and change.

The main objective is to strengthen the climate services value chain by building the capacity of decision makers at all levels to effectively use climate information and services. This action will strengthen the tools that bring together stakeholders and users of climate services in climate-sensitive sectors to use and implement the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) at all levels.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Structured interaction between the users, researchers, and climate services providers in Africa through User Interface Platforms (UIPs).
  2. Guaranteed and secure provision of climate services at all levels (continental, regional, and national) including strengthening of Climate Service Information Systems (CSIS).
  3. Improved access to Climate Information through strengthening of observation and monitoring systems, as well as research, modelling, and prediction.
  4. Enhanced capacity of African regions to generate and apply climate information and products relevant to their particular concerns; and
  5. Climate-informed decision-making in Africa is enhanced and climate services are mainstreamed into policy processes at continental, regional, and national levels.

(To be updated)