African Technology Policy Studies Network

Solutions for Universal access to childcare services that encourage economic participation of Senegalese women (GROW)

Project Duration: 2021-2024
Project Amount: CAD 500,000
Grantor: IDRC
Principal Investigator: Prof. Nicholas Ozor
Contact Email:

Project Description

Senegal is lagging behind in the provision of childcare services. Over the last 10 years, many public, private, and community-based initiatives have sought to fill the gap, but most women still face the triple challenges of availability, cost, and quality of childcare services. This project seeks to identify and facilitate the scaling up of effective solutions to achieve women’s empowerment and gender equality by reducing and redistributing unpaid domestic care work. It will also contribute to the large-scale adoption of childcare models suited to the socio-economic situation of various population groups in Senegal. The project is a continuation of the successful initiative Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women – GrOW. GrOW West Africa aims to support applied, practical, in-depth research rooted in the local contexts of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal. Its aim is to help rebuild post-COVID-19 socio-economic systems in a way that contributes to women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Expected Outputs
  1. Methodological note for international childcare review on childcare
  2. A synthesis report on the national and international literature on childcare services
  3. Production of capitalization tools