African Technology Policy Studies Network


 Project Duration: 2017-2018
Grantor: African Development Bank (AfDB)
Grant Amount: US$ 89,851
Project Principal Investigator: Dr. Benard Muok, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology
ATPS Co-Investigator: Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, ATPS, Kenya

Other Collaborating Partners: 
Myra Mukulu, Clean Cookstoves Association of Kenya;
Prof.Michael  Jacobson, Pennsylvania State University;
Prof. Jamidu Katima, University of Dar Es Salaam

Project Description/Background

Access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services is still a challenge in East African countries. Most of them use traditional biomass systems such as open three stoves which expose users to health risks from household air pollution and fire hazards. Additionally about 81% of its populations live without access to modern energy services. The use of traditional biomass has been linked to forest and woodland degradation. Cookstoves markets in this region are not adopting clean fuels and stoves hence not tapping into the potential positive health, environmental, social and economic impacts of clean/modern cooking practices. Most of the East African improved cookstoves sector emerged in the 1980s with the development of the Kenyan Ceramic Jiko (KCJ). Since then, countless stakeholders in each country have developed numerous types of stoves to address both urban and rural communities’ clean energy needs. Despite the decades of efforts, penetration rates remain low which is an indication of persisting and unaddressed barriers.

This study seeks to investigate the evidence and provide actionable recommendations for improving the diffusion of clean cooking solutions using a market based approach in Kenya and Tanzania. The underlying theory of change is that a combination of local production of high quality products, inclusive distribution mechanisms, innovative financing systems, and a favourable policy environment is pre-requisite for enhancing access to clean cooking solutions.

Key Objectives and Activities

The main objective of this project is to evaluate and develop strategies for catalyzing the diffusion and adoption of clean cooking solutions in East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) other objectives include:

  1. To identify innovative and sustainable market-based systems for enhancing energy access and livelihoods to the poor;
  2. To ascertain the awareness levels and knowledge gaps among consumers on clean cooking solutions;
  3. To identify technological barriers and capacity needs for developing a vibrant local manufacturing clean cooking solutions; and
  4. To examine existing policies, regulations and institutions with a view to propose policy recommendations for improving the adoption and diffusion of clean cooking solutions.

The project will use mixed methods and approaches including desk reviews, stakeholder interviews, case studies and focus group discussions.

Expected Outputs and Outcomes

  • Provide solutions on how to improve the diffusion of clean cooking solutions
  • A favourable policy environment to enhance clean cooking solutions 

Project Outputs

Review of Policy Environment for the Adoption and Diffusion of Clean Cooking Solutions in Kenya and Tanzania