African Technology Policy Studies Network


The ATPS network functions through National Chapters in 50 countries (47 African and 3 Diaspora chapters). The National Chapters operate under National Coordinators who provide intellectual and administrative leadership at country level. 

Each National Chapter has a strategic plan that outlines priority areas of research in their various countries. These identified priority areas guide the research efforts of ATPS.  Other statutory functions of the National Chapters are specified in the Memorandum of Understanding between the ATPS and its national chapters.

The National Chapters receive funding from the Secretariat out of grants from various donors to perform the following tasks:

Chapter Co-Ordinator

Mr. David Doepel

Chair, Africa Research Group, Murdoch University

90 South Street Murdoch

Western Australia 6150


Tel: +61418912287

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Roch L. MONGBO

Roch MONGBO is an Agronomist with majors in Agricultural Economics and rural sociology (1985) from the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) and the University of Ibadan (Nigeria). He holds a Master’s degree in Sociology and Rural Extension, Management of Agricultural Knowledge (1989) and a PhD in Development Sociology (1995) from the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands). Roch Mongbo is a Professor of Socio-anthropology of Development at the University of Abomey-Calavi where he heads the Laboratory for the Analysis of Social Dynamics and Development Studies (LADyD). He is also a visiting Professor in African, European and American Universities.

Roch Mongbo is the (co)-author of numerous scientific articles, books and book chapters; and technical reports of various kinds. To date, he has supervised more than 150 undergraduate and agricultural engineering students, a hundred for their Masters degrees and directed more than twenty PhD theses in post-graduate schools in Benin, Africa and Europe. For about 15 years, he coordinated the training of West and Central African development professionals in participatory approaches of technological change, and of design and evaluation of development projects. He has been active in many research groups, took part in over 150 national and international conferences and is member of many scientific associations of his fields of expertise (SoBESA, APAD, ATPS, AISLF, ILC, ISSTR.).

He founded in 1990 and directed until 2013, the Beninese Circle for the Environment and Economic and Social Development CEBEDES-Xudodo, an NGO active to this day with West African communities on nutrition, food security, natural resource management, land governance and local development. From 2013 to 2020, Roch Mongbo was the Chief Executive of the Food and Nutrition Council of Benin, a national institution placed under the authority of the Head of State. He is also a consultant for several international institutions on subjects falling within his various fields of expertise; Governance and Local Development, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Food Security and Nutrition, Gender, Social Economy, etc.

  • Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
  • Director of the Laboratory for the Analysis of Social Dynamics and Development Studies (LADyD/UAC)
  • Head of Department at the Benin Circle for the Environment and Economic and Social Development (CEBEDES-Xudodo)
  • ATPS- Benin Chapter Coordinator

Professor Roch L. MONGBO
Phone: +229 97374797

Chapter Co-Ordinator

Mr Mathodi is a Professional Technologist with MSc in Construction Management and BEng Degree in Construction Engineering & Management. He has practiced as an engineer, for 8 years, in a number of infrastructure projects that entailed provision of water, sewerage, structural and electro/mechanical services.

Mr Mathodi is currently employed as a Chief Research Science & Technology Officer under Ministry of Tertiary Education Research, Science and Technology. His responsibilities are, among other things, monitoring and evaluation of Science & Technology related researches in Botswana’s research and development landscape. He pioneered the Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation surveys in Botswana in 2012. The surveys are undertaken annually to establish the status of Research, Science, Technology and Innovation (RSTI) in the country.

Mr Mathodi serves in various Committees and regional initiatives geared towards promotion of RSTI. The following are some of the Committees that he serves in:

  • African Science Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Initiative: National Focal Point
  • Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) in Sub-Saharan Africa: National Coordinator
  •  SADC Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Indicators Expert Committee: National Focal Point
  • United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Initiatives: National Focal Point: 
Contact Details

P.O Box 550203, Mogoditshane, Botswana.

Cell: +26772449035


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Aminata KABORE

Dr Aminata KABORE, had a phD in microbiology in 2015. She is senior researcher at Institute of environment and agriculture research, in National Centre of Scientific Research and Technology, Burkina Faso since July 2017, specialist in environmental microbiology. She has published about twenty scientific articles in the field of quality and water treatment.
Since 2019, she is the head of service of resources mobilization at the National Fund for Research and Innovation for Development (FONRID) where she is appointed gender focal point. She teaches also at Joseph Ki-ZERBO University where she trains engineers in water and sanitation technology and microbiology.
She is involved in woman promotion in science, especially scientific research.
She is married and a mother.

Dr. Aminata KABORE

Address: BP 8645 Ouagadougou 04, Burkina Faso
Phone number: +226 70 38 56 99/ 78 95 93 89

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Prof. Sylvester NDESO ATANGA

Prof. Ndeso Atanga is the dean and Associate Professor of International Health at Saint Monica American International University Buea, Cameroon. He is an Associate Visiting Professorships in Epidemiology, Health Services Research, and Public Health Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Buea and he is also the Field Research Supervisor for final-year Year Medical Students, at University of Gothenburg School of Medicine, Sweden.

Additionally, he is a working Group Member of the AfyaBora International Public Health Consortium which trains Future African Health Care Leaders in Leadership and Management Skills.

Prof. Atanga has a PhD in Public Health Medicine from the University of Ghana, Legon, a Masters of Public Health from Yale University School of Medicine, USA, and a Masters of Philosophy in Health Policy from The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. He has published over 25 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals on subjects ranging from public health to social issues.


Prof Sylvester Ndeso-Atanga, MPH,  (Yale), MPhil (London), PhD (Legon)

Dean and Associate Professor of International Health

School of Health and Human Services

Saint Monica American International University, Buea, Cameroon

Working Group Member AfyaBora International Consortium


Senior Visiting Lecturer, Epidemiology & Public Health

Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Buea

P.O. Box 63

South West Province

Republic of Cameroon

Tel: + 237-653774599/ 243094176

Cell: +237-99841433

Email: or

Chapter Co-ordinator
Dr Eric Bienvenu TRA BI TRA

Dr Eric Bienvenu TRA BI TRA holds a Master in Private Law, acquired at Alassane OUATTARA University in Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire) and a Doctorate in Public Law and Political Sciences obtained at Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). He is a Teacher-Researcher at the Training and Research Unit of Legal, Administrative and Political Sciences at Jean Lorougnon Guédé University of Daloa, in Côte d’Ivoire. He has a long-term experience in the research and innovation ecosystem in Côte d’Ivoire. At the national level, he started his professional career as Consultant in gender issues and sex-specificities at the Women’s Center for Democracy and Human Rights of Côte d’Ivoire (CEFCI) and Legal Advisor, NEPAD Coordinator at the African Union Club of Côte d’Ivoire.



WORK PHONE NUMBER : +225 21 78 09 95

MOBILE NUMBER : +225 07 07 44 25 73


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Ms. Manal Moustafa SAMRA

Manal Samra obtained her MA in Political Science with special focus on “Development” in 1998 from the American University in Cairo, after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication, (Journalism) from Cairo University. She is currently a Curriculum Development Senior Advisor in one of the USAID projects operating in Egypt. She is with over 20+ years of experience in the field of development, mainly Education, Transformational leadership, women’s empowerment, and youth development.  10 years’ experience out of 20+ years have been in the Education field, specifically, the TVET sector. Manal’s prime focus at present, include leading and guiding the conceptualization, development and implementation of new specializations in the TVET sector, mainstreaming the gender aspect in the activities of TVET, development of Teachers’ Development and school Leadership, and building the capacities of youth, especially females, in the areas of TVET, environmental mitigation measures and economic growth.

Leading the identification, development and implementing new specializations in the TVET sector includes specializations, such as Renewable Energy, Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI), Modern Trade, Marketing for Financial Services and Software Development. The new specializations are prepared through using the Competency Based Education (CBE) methodology, in compliance with international standards and best practices. This is merely implemented via close collaboration and partnership with the private sector companies in various fields.

As a social entrepreneur who is passionate about sustainable development, community-based actions and collective monitoring; and as an advocate for women and youth empowerment, Manal has worked at and managed several development projects in various national and international organizations to enhance the work done in the area of education, women and youth development. These organizations included the GIZ, British Council, Near East Foundation, Ashoka Arab World, the AUC in Cairo, and AIDMENA.

Manal is the National Chapter Coordinator for the African Technology Policy Studies (ATPS) in Egypt, an African network and Research institute focusing on Science, Technology, and Innovation issues in the whole African continent. In addition, she is a co-founder for Itjah “the Youth and Development Consultancy Institute” institution since 2006; and being a development practitioner and a social development advisor has motivated Manal to believe in the necessity of adopting participatory approaches and policies, such as social inclusion, CBE methodology, Civic and informal education, and community participation to eliminate Egypt’s root challenges.



Mobile: +20 01014467049

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Mr. Wondwossen BELETE

Mr. Wondwossen Belete is the founding president of Ethiopia Society for Technology Studies (STS). Belete has more than 20 years of experience in analyzing the relation between intellectual property, innovation and development.

Belete has previously worked with the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office as the Director of Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Transfer. He was among the team that drafted the current Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Ethiopia and he participated in the formulation of Ethiopia’s intellectual property laws. In 2004-2010 he served as a member of the technical team for Ethiopia’s accession to the World Trade Organization. Belete has consulted for the Ethiopian Government as well as agencies such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Mr. Belete holds a BA in Economics from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and an MSc in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He has published papers on university-industry linkage, SME innovation, copyright and the creative industries. He is also a member of the Open African Innovation Research Network (Open AIR).


Wondwossen Belete

Managing Director

Society for Technology Studies

P.O.Box 25453, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Mob: (+251)911886709


Currently Vacant
Chapter Co-Ordinator
Senior Research Scientist
Contact Details

CSIR Water Research Institute

P.O. Box M.32

Accra, Ghana

Tel: +233-24-4748197, +233-26-4748197


Currently Vacant
Chapter Co-Ordinator
Mr. Denis Sekoja PHAKISI
Acting National Coordinator

Manufacturing Manager

Loti Brick

P.O. Box 8008, Maseru 100, Lesotho

Tel: +266 5885 3389

Fax: +266 22310071


Currently Vacant
Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Kingdom M. KWAPATA

Dr Kingdom M. Kwapata is a Lecturer in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology for Horticulture and Forest Crops at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda College since 2011. He was formerly an Assistant Professor of chemistry and microbiology for health practitioners at the Lansing Community College USA from 2009-2011. He was also a former National Coordinator, Malawi Human Rights Youth Network from 2002-2006. Dr. Kwapata has developed an efficient and reproducible system for in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation of dry beans which has been patented under the international patenting laws. Using the system he has further developed, several transgenic bean lines with genes that confer drought tolerance (HVA1, LEA 3 proteins), antifungal resistance gene (gf2.8 an oxalate oxidase), herbicide resistant gene (B-glucuronidase ), screenable marker gene (GUS) and an anti-HIV pharmaceutical gene (SLPI). 

Dr Kwapata holds a PhD in Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology from the Michigan State University (2006 – 2010), an MSc in Horticulture Biotechnology from the University of Malawi (2004-2006), and a BSc. in Agriculture from the University of Malawi (1997 – 2001). 


Dr Kingdom  M. Kwapata 
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology for Horticulture and Forest Crops
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 
Bunda College, P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265-999195477

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Sidiki Gabriel DEMBELE

Dr. Sidiki Dembélé is a senior lecturer at the Rural Polytechnic Institute of Training and Applied (IPR/IFRA) of the University of Mali, Katibougou. Dembélé is a specialist in soil fertility management, production of organic fertilizers, and agronomic and economic efficacy in the use of fertilizers. He has held senior positions in local and international research institutions including Expérimenter et promouvoir l’approche d’assainissement écologuque (ECOSAN) and the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). He has a Ph.D. in agrochemistry and a Masters degree in science. Dembélé brings a good knowledge of science and technology issues that will be an asset to setting up the new chapter.


Dr. Sidiki Gabriel DEMBELE
Agrochimie/Agroforesterie et Fertilité des sols
Bureau Ouest-Africain d’Appui Organisational et de Technologies Appropiées
B.P. E 3730, Bamako, Mali
Tél. : (223) 226 2012
Fax : (223) 226 2504
Cell : (223)   71 3806
Email:  or 

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Prof. Dr. Saïd BOUJRAF

Prof. Said Boujraf is the head of Department of Biophysics and Clinical MRI Methods, Faculty of Medicine, University of Fez, Morocco and the director of Clinical Laboratory at the same University.

He has previously worked as a senior researcher MRI Center, Department of Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Ulm, Germany and at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Inage, Chiba, Japan.

He also served as an Associate Researcher, Institute of Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland and as an evaluation expert of projects in EU, MENA, African organizations and Universities.

Prof. Boujraf holds a BSc in Agricultural Economics, Postgraduate Diploma in Development Planning and an MBA in Food Industry and Agribusiness. He is the author and co-author of more than a hundred papers in science and technologies, assessments of research and research policies.


Saïd Boujraf Med Sc, Ph.D

Clinical Neurosciences Laboratory
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Fez
BP. 1893; Km 2.200, Sidi Hrazem Road, Fez 30000, Morocco
Phone: 00 212 642 111 103, Fax: 00 212 535 619 321

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Eng. Lourino Alberto CHEMANE

Mr. Chemane holds a masters degree in electronic engineering from University of Pretoria and is currently pursuing a PhD programme on a part-time basis at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. He is a certified CISCO network associate and a member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE). Chemane is also a consultant for various organizations.


Eng. Lourino Alberto CHEMANE

ICT and Planning Advisor
Executive Secretariat, ICT Policy Commission
Bairro da Coop
Rua Particular Dr. Antonio de Almeida
61 R/C Direito, Maputo
Tel:    +258 21 309398
Fax:    +258 21 302289
Cell : +258 82 3110700


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Surveyor. Uzochukwu OKAFOR
Surveyor- General

Uzochukwu Okafor

Phone: +264811223311


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Prof Michael C. MADUKWE

Prof. Madukwe works at the Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and is the National President of Agricultural Extension Society, Nigeria. He once served as a Consultant to the Raw Material Research and Development Council on mainstreaming innovation systems and development of the national Raw Material Research Policy for Nigeria.

Prof. Madukwe is a member, Advisory Committee of Science and Technology Programme of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) Netherlands; Member, Committee on Science and Technology Programme of the African Union; Editor-in Chief, Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria; Chairman, Independent Grants Committee, UniBrain Africa Project, Forum for Agricultural Research (FARA), Ghana; and in 2008-2009 he was a visiting Professor, National Universities Commission, Abuja. He is also the chairman of NUC Committee on Closure of Illegal Universities and NUC Accreditation Panel on Agriculture.

Prof. Madukwe holds Bachelors, Master’s, and a Ph.D Degree from the University of Nigeria and he has published more than 100 papers in several national and international journals. He is a member and fellow of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria.


Prof Michael C. Madukwe

Department of Agricultural Extension

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

Phone & WhatsApp: +2348037006968


Chapter Co-Ordinator

Prof Femi Olokesusi has a Doctorate Degree in Geography from the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria with specialisation in Environmental Planning and Management. A fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planning, he retired as a Research Professor from the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER) in Ibadan, Nigeria where he worked between 1985 and early 2016. At NISER he was Director of Physical Development Department for about 6 years and among other professional and administrative duties, and also acted as the Director-General/Chief Executive Officer of the Institute from December, 2010 to August, 2011. A 1994/95 Fulbright African Senior Scholar, he has conducted several studies for several national and international agencies. Examples include Evaluation of UNDP’s 6th Nigerian Country programme on Environment and Energy, Review of 2006 UNDP Annual Programme in 2006. He served as a resource person to draft Nigeria Vision 20:2020 and the National Infrastructure Master Plan. He has also studied the Impact of the National Effluent Standards for Industries and Impact of Irrigation on Women the in Nigeria. Moreover, he served as a consultant to the UN-Habitat in 2014/2015 on the preparation of City Structure Plans for Lokoja and Dekina in Nigeria. He is currently a member of the Independent Advisory Group of the World Bank-assisted Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project and a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the College of Social and Management Sciences, Afe Babalola University, AdoEkiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. He is currently keen on research in the areas of Environmental Technology, Smart Cities and Smart Destinations. 



Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER)

P.M.B 5 UI Post Office

Oyo Road, Ojoo, Ibadan, Nigeria

Tel:    +234 2 8103345/8102904

Fax:     +234 2 2413121


Currently Vacant
Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Kelleh Gbawuru MANSARAY

Prof. Kelleh Gbawuru Mansaray

ATPS National Coordinator – Sierra Leone
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Fourah Bay College – University of Sierra Leone
Phone: +232 78476527


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Prof. Cheikhou KANE

Prof. Cheikhou KANE, PhD/Engineer in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, is a teacher-researcher in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Biology at the Polytechnical School of Cheikh Anta Diop University
in Dakar/SENEGAL. He is head of the Chemical Engineering and Food Industry studies for engineers and the Electrochemistry and Membrane Processes Laboratory. His main teaching focuses on transport phenomena in chemical engineering, and his research work focuses on water treatment and the valorization of local natural resources. He is also the author of several publications and patents.
Head of the Students Affairs service at Polytechnical School from 2011 to 2020, he has been Head of the Intellectual Property and Valorization of Research Results Division at the Direction of Research and Innovation (DRI) of Cheikh Anta Diop University since Jun 2020.

Prof. Cheikhou KANE
Phone number: +221 77 148 79 61
Chapter Co-Ordinator

Prof. Swilling is the Programme Coordinator, the Sustainable Development Programme in the School of Public Leadership; Academic Director of the Sustainability Institute; and the Co-Director of Stellenbosch Centre for Complex Systems in Transition.

The primary research focus of his career can be defined as ‘societal transitions’ within the wider discipline of sustainability science and governance with a particular contextual focus on urban sustainability. His published research was majorly through institution-building collaborations – an achievement that was recognized in 2010 when he was awarded the Aspen Faculty Pioneer Award for success in introducing sustainability into leadership education.

Prof. Swilling has published over 60 academic articles/books including (with Eve Annecke) Just Transitions: Explorations of Sustainability in an Unfair World (2012) – runner-up Harold and Margaret Sprout Award for best environmental governance book; Untamed Urbanisms (2015); and Greening the South African Economy (2016).    


Cell: +27(0) 83-4597417

Tel:  +27(0) 21-881 3196

Fax: +27(0) 21-881 3294

Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Mrs. Nadia Hassan SIDAHMED

Mrs. Nadia Hassan is a researcher and head of the planning department at the Industrial Research & Consultancy Centre. She is responsible for formulating strategic plans, conducting research and consultancy in various aspects of the economics of Industrial Development. In 1999, she was the national coordinator for the Alliance for Africa Industrialization and has led the committees for Assessment of Industrial Policies, National conference for Sudanese industry (2010) and for preparation of the for UNIDO/ Sudan industrial Program 1999/2000. 

Mrs. Hassan holds a BSc. In Agricultural Economics, Postgraduate diploma in Development Planning and an MBA in Food Industry and Agribusiness. She is a member of “Development for Poor Organization”; “Third World Organization for Women in Science”;  “International Federation of University Women”; “Environmentalist’s Society” and “Sudanese Technology & Innovation Network for Poverty Reduction”


Economic Studies Department

Industrial Research & Consultancy Centre (IRCC)Sudan

Tel: +249 911449106


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Prof. Musa DUBE

Prof Musa Dube is a senior lecturer at the department of agricultural education and extension, Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Swaziland. Prof Dube holds a PhD in Agricultural extension from Iowa State University, a Master of Science in Agricultural extension Education from Michigan State, University and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education from West Virginia State University, USA. He has also been the Secretary of the Royal Swaziland Society of Science and Technology (RSSST) since 1986. He was also chairman of association of the Swaziland association of adult education (SAAE) between 1986 and 1990.


Prof. Musa DUBE

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Swaziland
Luyengo Campus
P. O. Luyengo, Swaziland
Tel:    +268 527 40 21
Fax:   +268 527 40 21
Cell:    +268 618 15 79


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Amos NUNGU
Director General,
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH),
P.O. Box 4302, Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania,
Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Eng. John OKUONZI

Dr. Eng. Okuonzi John is the Co-Founder and  Principal Investigator of the e-Kampus Innovative research Project, a software and services innovation framework that has been the core driver of business process improvement at Kyambogo University. He has 15 years of teaching experience at the University and five years of leadership in managing a successful innovative project at the University.

Dr. Okuonzi is a member of the National Expert Group, tasked to advice government on utilization of appropriate technology and a member of the National Intellectual Property Advisory group in Uganda. His passion of being a producer of knowledge other than consumer of knowledge through innovations has resulted into the first most successful local produced university centric system in Uganda. His focus has been to help higher education improve service delivery through digital transformation and by leveraging the utilization of indigenous IT innovations.

Dr. Okuonzi holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Information Technology. He is a Cofounding member of the Uganda Research and Innovations Management Association



National Coordinator, ATPS Uganda Chapter

Kyambogo University, Faculty of Engineering,

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

P.O Box 1, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda

Tel: +256 782 353034

Email: or 

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Martha Ada UGWU

Mrs. Martha Ugwu is the ATPS National Chapter Coordinator, UK. She is also the co-founder of African Women for Science and Technology (AWFST) which was set up in 2009 to instigate cultures of innovation amongst African women and build their confidence in the generation, use, mastery and self-governance of African STI for African development.


59 Highgrove Road
Walderslade, Chatham
Kent, ME5 7SF, UK

Tel: +447909327708

Chapter Co-Ordinator
Dr. Anthony C IKEME

President & CEO
Clintriad Pharma Services
102 Pickering Way, Suite 200
Exton, PA 19341


Tel: 484.753.3405

Cell: 215.380.9920

Fax: 610.384.5455


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Prof. Francis YAMBA

Center for Energy and Engineering Zambia(CEEEZ) Ltd.


176 Parirenyatwa Road

Suite B. Fairview, P/B E721

Lusaka, Zambia

Phone No: +260977856167


Chapter Co-Ordinator
Mr Benson, Mutongi, ZWIZWAI

BSc (Hons) Economics, University of Zimbabwe; MA in Development Economics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Research Interests

Development Economics, Macroeconomics Policy, Science Technology and Development, Climate Change and Sustainable Development.


Benson Zwizwai is a lecturer of Macroeconomics Theory and Policy, and Development Economics, in the Economics Department of the University of Zimbabwe. He has extensive experience in undertaking academic and policy oriented developmental research. He is former Chairman of the Department of Economics and Technology Studies and Deputy Director of the Institute of Development Studies. He has undertaken numerous policy oriented research projects in the area of science and technology policy, including contributing to the drafting of the first Zimbabwe National Science and Technology Policy and the Second Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Zimbabwe. Other projects include information technology, technology transfer and acquisition, national S&T management and administration and alternative S&T policy frameworks for Southern Africa. He was Director of the Zimbabwe Science and Technology Policy Dialogue Programme (1996 to 2002). The programme designed and implemented capacity building initiatives in the formulation of science and technology policies and programmes through training seminars and workshops, for various stakeholders including senior policy makers in Government ministries and departments; Members of Parliament; Members of Provincial Development Committees; Senior members of research and development institutions, the scientific community and the private sector and academia from different disciplines. The project also involved S&T policy advocacy, including S&T budget seminars, and facilitating stakeholders to contribute to the formulation and drafting of the first National Science and Technology Policy of Zimbabwe which was launched in 2004.


Benson Mutongi Zwizwai

Department of Economics and Development

University of Zimbabwe 

Box M.P. 167,

Mount Pleasant, Harare

Phone and WhatsApp: +263776413357 

Phone Only: +2637772494902
