African Technology Policy Studies Network

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The ATPS Publications Centre includes working papers, research papers, special papers, technopolicy briefs, annual reports, annual conference and workshop reports and other materials capturing much of ATPS’s capacity building and research history.

ATPS’s publications are mostly available as free PDF files. You will need to download and install the latest version of Adobe® Reader® to view these files Adobe Reader

Recent Publications

Working papers

Agricultural Innovations and Adaptations to  Climate Change Effects and Food Security in  Central Africa: Case of Cameroon, Equatorial  Guinea and Central Africa Republic

[Musongong née Siri Bella Ngoh, Mafany George Teke, Ndeso Sylvevster Atanga], ATPS WORKING PAPER No. 79

More Working Papers

Technopolicy Briefs

Eco-innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in Africa

Eco-innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in Africa: ATPS Technopolicy Brief No. 61
By Dr. Nicholas Ozor, Mr. Alfred Nyambane

More Technopolicy Briefs

Annual Reports


On behalf of the Directors of the African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS), I am pleased to present the ATPS’s Annual Report for 2020. The report presents a summary of ATPS’s efforts in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) research, policy and practice as well as the financial position of the organization for the period 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2020. Read more

More Annual Reports

Research Papers

Open Science in Research and Innovation for Development in Africa: ATPS Research Paper No. 32

By Geoffrey Boulton, Cheikh Loucoubar, Joseph Mwelwa, Muliaro Wafula, Nicholas Ozor and Maurice Bolo

More Research Papers


Technopolicy Africa December Issue #018

Content in Focus

  • ATPS Wins Top Advocacy Award in Open Contracting
  • Smart Villages- A New Holistic Development Paradigm
  • A New Real World Skills MBA Programme for the Future of Africa
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