African Technology Policy Studies Network



Technopolicy Briefs Series are commissioned short papers written by experts from all over the world specifically to address current science and technology policy concerns and questions in Africa.

The briefs are also summaries of technical papers published under our WPS, SPS and RPS written to highlight significant policy recommendations. These briefs are written with the busy policymakers and non-specialists in mind. The materials are designed for general readership and help advance the advocacy and knowledge brokerage roles of the ATPS.

ATPS’s publications are mostly available as free PDF files. You will need to download and install the latest version of Adobe® Reader® to view these files

ATPS Note D’orientation Politique No.98 - Pistes Stratégiques Pour L’amélioration Du Financement De La Recherche Scientifique Et De L'innovation Au Sénégal

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Alfred Nyambane, Wentland Muhatiah, and Joel Nwakaire

Pistes Stratégiques Pour L’amélioration Du Financement De La Recherche Scientifique Et De L’innovation Au Sénégal

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Wentland Muhatiah, Alfred Nyambane, and Joel Nwakaire

Renforcement De L’écosystème De Financement De La Recherche Scientifique Et De L’innovation En Cote D’ivoire Pour Un Dével

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Peter Onwualu, Alfred Nyambane, Joel Nwakaire, Wentland Muhatiah, Prisca Onuoha, Chukwuemeka Uwanaka, and Nneoma Obimbonu

Creation D’un Écosystème Solide De Financement De La Recherche Et De L’innovation Au Burkina Faso Renforcement De La Volon

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Alfred Nyambane, Wentland Muhatiah, and Joel Nwakaire

Strengthening Sierra Leone’s Research and Innovation Ecosystem for Socio-Economic Transformation

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Alfred Nyambane, Wentland Muhatiah, and Joel Nwakaire

Strategic Pathways for Enhancing Research and Innovation Funding in Senegal

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Peter Onwualu, Joel Nwakaire, Alfred Nyambane, Wentland Muhatiah, Prisca Onuoha, Chukwuemeka Uwanaka, and Nneoma Obimbonu

Policy and Institutional Imperatives for Strengthening the Nigerian Research and Innovation Funding Ecosystem

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Joel Nwakaire, Wentland Muhatiah, and Alfred Nyambane

Empowering Ghana’s Research and Innovation Through Sustainable Funding Ecosystem

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Wentland Muhatiah, Alfred Nyambane, and Joel Nwakaire

Strengthening Cote D’ivoire’s Research And Innovation Funding Ecosystem For Inclusive And Sustainable Development

By: Nicholas Ozor, Cynthia Nwobodo, Peter Onwualu, Alfred Nyambane, Joel Nwakaire, Wentland Muhatiah, Prisca Onuoha, Chukwuemeka Uwanaka, and Nneoma Obimbonu

Building A Robust Research And Innovation Funding Ecosystem In Burkina Faso Strengthening Political Will And Inclusive Governance

By: Patrick Mensah, Mighty Ayidzoe, Faiza Bawah, Elvis Bediako, Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire, and Alfred Nyambane

Promoting Digital Literacy Among Farmers: Unlocking The Potential of Artificial Intelligence Enabled Crop Pests/Disease Detection Mobile Application

By: Hilda Manzi, Viola Kirui, Cosmas Muli, Naomi Mumo, Joseph Sang, Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire, Wentland Muhatiah, and Alfred Nyambane

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (Ai) and Earth Observation Data in Early Warning Systems for Pest Control and Management in Kenya

By: Isaac Fandika, Geoffrey Mwepa, Grivin Chipula, Alinafe Kaliwo, Chimango Mlowoka, Herbert Kumwenda, Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire, and Alfred Nyambane

Artificial Intelligent Tool Worth Scaling for Sustainable Irrigation in Malawi – A Case of Chameleon Sensor Array

By: Anyadike C, Okechukwu M, Egonu S, Ozioko R, Madukwe M, Eterigho E, Ukoha-Onuha E, Onyia A, Ozor N, Nwakaire J, and Nyambane A

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Production and Market Access to Nsukka Yellow Pepper in Nigeria

By: Betsy Muriithi, Jane Pauline Pamba, Stephen Gitahi, Mershak Shikuku, Joseph Masinde, Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire, Wentland Muhatiah, and Alfred Nyambane

Decentralised Community-Powered Weather Networks for Hyper-Localised Weather and Climate Information Services in Kenya.

By: Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire, Cynthia Nwobodo, and Alfred Nyambane

Empowering Local Communities and Enhancing Public Awareness for Sustainable NDCs Implementation in Namibia

By: Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire, Cynthia Nwobodo, and Alfred Nyambane

Uniting for a Sustainable Future: Boosting Stakeholder Engagement in Sierra Leone’s Climate Goals

By: Nicholas Ozor, Joel Nwakaire Alfred Nyambane, Wentland Muhatiah, and Cynthia Nwobodo

Leveraging Science, Technology, and Innovation for Enhanced Youth Employment in Nigeria

By: Nicholas Ozor, Wentland Muhatiah, Alfred Nyambane, and Sheila Wanjeri

Unlocking the Potential of Education and Skills for Supporting Youth Employment in Kenya

By Michael Ngoasong, Aqueel Wahga Isidora Kourti, Nicholas Ozor, Wentland Muhatiah, Robert Gateru, Alfred Nyambane
University-led ecosystems for sustained innovation and entrepreneurship development in Kenya

By Nicholas Ozor and Alfred Nyambane, 
Eco-innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in Africa

By. Nicholas Ozor and Alfred Nyambane, 
Advancing Ecological Organic Agriculture in Nigeria

By. Nicholas Ozor, Alfred Nyambane, and Ernest Acheampong
Bridging Climate Information Gaps to Strengthen Capacities for Climate Informed Decision

By. Nicholas Ozor and Alfred Nyambane
Embracing Open Contracting in Africa

By Geoffrey Boulton, Cheikh Loucoubar, Joseph Mwelwa, Muliaro Wafula, and Nicholas Ozor, and Maurice Bolo
The Digital Revolution, Open Science, and Innovation for Open Science Development in sub-Saharan Africa

By Julius Mugwagwa, Geoffrey Banda, Nicholas Ozor, Maurice Bolo, and Ruth Oriama.
New Approaches for Funding Research and Innovation in Africa

By Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Bertha Vallejo, Banke Abejirin, Shruti Vasudev, Nicholas Ozor, and Maurice Bolo

By Nicholas Ozor, Ernest Nti Acheampong, Alice Sena Lamptey, and Dorothy Njagi
Improving the Relevance of University Training to Labour Market Demands in Africa

By Nicholas Ozor, Ernest Nti Acheampong, and Dorothy Njagi
Developing Policies for Biodiversity Informatics in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Nicholas Ozor, Peggy Oti-Boateng, David Otuoma, and Edwardina Ndhine
Mainstreaming Gender in the National Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy of Kenya

By David M. Ndetei, Ann W. Mbwayo, Victoria N. Mutiso, Lincoln I. Khasakhala, and Paul M. Chege
Traditional Healers and their Provision of Mental Health Services in Cosmopolitan Informal Settlements in Nairobi, Kenya

By Sissay B. Mekbib, Adesola O. Olaleye, Motlatsi N. Mokhothu, Masia Johane, Spirit B. Tilai and Taddese Wondimu
Machobane Farming System and its Relevance to Climate Change Policy in Lesotho

By Blessing Kaletapwa Farauta, Chukwudumebi Leticia Egbule, Yusuf Lawan Idrisa and Victoria Chinwe Agu
Policy Challenges of Climate Change and Adaptation in Northern Nigeria

By Gordon Akon-Yamga, Paul Boadu, Beatrice Darko Obiri, Joyce Amoako, and Fatou Janha Mboob
Agricultural Innovations for Climate Change Adaption and Food Security in Ghana and The Gambia: Policy Options

By Ekwe Agwu Agwu, Chukwudumebi Leticia Egbule, Festus Onesimus Amadu, Teddy Amara Morlai, Emmanuel Topor Wollor and Leroy W. Cegbe
What Policy Options can Promote Agricultural Innovations for Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security in the West African Sub-region?

By Thaddeus Chidi Nzeadibe, Chukwudumebi L. Egbule, Nnaemeka A. Chukwuone and Victoria Chinwe Agu
What Policy Options can Promote Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria?

By T. O. Dauda, L. S. Rikko, F. O. A. George, O. S. Fashola, J. J. Atungwu, S. O. Iposu, A. O. Shobowale and O. B. Osuntade; 
Emerging and Indigenous Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation in the Farming Systems of Southwest Nigeria: Issues for Policy Action

By Anselm A. Enete, Ignatius I. Madu, Josephat C. Mojekwu, Anthony N. Onyekuru, Elizabeth A. Onwubuya and Fidelis Eze
Indigenous Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Study of Southeast Nigeria

By Frederick K. Amu-Mensah, Emmanuel K. Tetteh and Joseph D. Chonia. 
Available at: technopolicy_brief_series_18.pdf

By Deepa Pullanikkatil, Spirit Tlali and Lefa Thamae
What are the Policy Implications for Industrial Water Pollution in Lesotho?

Maurice Bolo, Nancy M. Muthoka, Racheal Washisino, and Virginia Mwai
Research Priorities for Kenya’s Cut-Flower Industry: Farmer’s Perspective

By African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS), Ministry of Communications, Science & Technology (MCST), Lesotho. T
Science & Technology and Food Security in Africa