African Technology Policy Studies Network


  1. Advancing Responsible Gender Equality and Inclusive Artificial Intelligence Innovations for Agriculture and Food Systems in Africa (AI4AFS +)
  2. Technical Assistance for Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA) Programme AUC/DARBE/C/037
  3. Strengthening the capacity of the extension system to use proven knowledge and technologies to sustain equitable locally led adaptation among smallholder farmers (SCALE)
  4. Strengthening the Capacity of Women and Marginalized Communities in Africa’s Agriculture and Food Systems to Harness the Potentials of Artificial Intelligence Technology
  5. Strengthening the National Research and Innovation Funding Agencies in West Africa (SRIFA)
  6. Building the Capacity of Selected sub-Sahara African Countries to Effectively Measure Progress in their Nationally Determined Contributions’ Implementation Using Tracking Tools and Indexes
  7. Delivering place-based Entrepreneurial capacity building in Africa (DIFFERENTIATE)
  8. University-led Ecosystems for a Sustained Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (AESU)
  9. Technological Innovation Development in Africa to Enhance Employability, Entrepreneurship and Job Creation (TIDE)
  10. Managing Organization (Hub) for Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture and Food Systems (AI4AFS) Innovation Research Network in Africa
  11. Solutions for Universal access to childcare services that encourage economic participation of Senegalese women (GROW)
  12. Understanding the Policy and Institutional Landscape for Technological Innovation Development in Africa to Enhance Youth Employability, Entrepreneurship and Job Creation(UPTIER)
  13. Strengthening Urban REsilience in FOOD and nutrition security in Kenya (SURE-FOOD)
  14. Mapping Research Infrastructure to Enhance the Resilience of Science Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
  15. An Analytical Note on “Higher Education Science, Technology and Innovation, Research and Development (R&D) and Entrepreneurship in Africa”
  16. First Southern Voices Network For Peace Building (SVNP) Eastern Africa Regional Policy Conference
  17. Review of the Policy & Institutional Landscape for Eco-Innovation in Africa
  18. An Institutional and Policy Assessment of the Agriculture Sector in Kenya – A ‘Systems-Level’ Deep Dive
  19. Civic Engagement for Open Contracting
  20. Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA-I) into the Agricultural Systems in Africa
  21. Development of Implementation Index and, Monitoring and Tracking Tools for the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Selected Eight Countries in Africa
  22. Developing An Innovation-led BioEconomy Strategy for Eastern Africa (BISEA)
  23. Bridging Climate Information Gaps to Strengthen Capacities for Climate Informed Decision-making
  24. Building Partnerships and Networks among Science Granting Councils and other Science System Actors in Sub-Saharan Africa
  25. Recirculate: Driving Eco-Innovation in Africa: Capacity Building for a Safe Circular Water Economy
  26. Air Pollution in Emerging African Mega-Cities: Sources, Evolution and Impacts Workshop
  27. Market-Based Approaches for the Diffusion of Clean Cooking Solutions in Kenya and Tanzania
  28. Governing Inclusive Green Growth in Africa
  29. Improving Agricultural Productivity and Climate Change Resilience Using the LandInfo Mobile App Technology
  30. Documentation of the Impacts of ACCFP Fellows on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Africa since Inception
  31. Policy Landscaping Study on Regulatory Harmonization of Registration of Veterinary Products in East Africa
  32. Improving the Relevance of University Training to Labour Market Demands in Africa
  33. Capacity Building on the Use of Landinfo Mobile App Technology for Extension Agents and Technical Advisors of Fiber Crops Directorate of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority (AFFA), Kenya
  34. Improving Agricultural Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change Using the Land Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) Mobile Technology
  35. A Market Scoping Study of Newcastle Disease in Village Poultry in Nigeria and Ghana
  36. Biodiversity Informatics Policy Landscape
  37. Development and Implementation of Systems for Sharing Sustainable Land Management Knowledge and Information (LandPKS)
  38. Mainstreaming Gender in Science, Technology and Innovations in Institutions of Higher Learning and Research in Kenya
  39. Towards a model of “patient procurement”: Leveraging mining infrastructure and procurement needs in Mozambique and Liberia for robust and enduring agricultural supply chain productivity and development.
  40. Driving Policy in Mine Closure and Abandonment Management, Environmental Risk mitigation and Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Sites as a Pro-Poor Development Strategy
  41. Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS): Using natural resource wealth to improve access to water and sanitation in Mozambique
  42. Sustainable Development Planning Network (SDplanNet)
  43. Learning Outcomes and Policy/Program Strategies for Enhancing Adoption and Diffusion of Climate Smart Clean Energy Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from the Lighting Africa, the Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions, and Pro-Poor Low Carbon Development Projects
  44. The Political Economy of Low Carbon Energy in Kenya
  45. Pro-poor, low carbon development: Improving low carbon energy access and development benefits in Least Developed Countries (LDC)
  46. Collaborative project on Transdisciplinary Training for Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (TRECCAfrica) proposal for the Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme
  47. Collaborative Project on Bio-resources Innovation Policy Consortium for Eastern Africa (BIPCEA)
  48. Building Transdisciplinary Climate Change Adaptation Capacity at the University of Nigeria
  49. Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Social sustainability and Tipping Points in African drylands (BEST)
  50. Efforts to advance the understanding of social innovation among policymakers, science experts, the private sector and civil society in Africa
  51. Climate Sense Program,(CSP)
  52. Training in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Formulation and Implementation for Sustainable Development in East Africa
  53. Science Ethics and Technological Responsibility for Developing and Emerging Countries (SET-DEV), EC Framework 7 
  54. Universities, Business and Research in Agricultural Innovation (UniBRAIN)
  55. The Agricultural Innovations Program
  56. Strengthening National IP Policy and legal framework in Eastern and Southern Africa: Traditional Knowledge (TK) Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and Effective IP Systems
  57. Nanotechnologies for Development in India, Kenya and the Netherlands: Towards a Framework for Democratic Governance of Risks in Developing Countries, WOTRO
  58. ATPS Program on Strengthening Health Technology Policy in Africa
  59. ATPS Programme on Water and Environmental Sustainability
  60. ATPS Programme on Integrated Trans Boundary River Management Policy Development (INTREPID)
  61. Strengthening National ICT Policy in Africa: Governance, Equity and Institutional Issues Programme